Shopping online was just for a few people before it went mainstream in more than a decade. Today, millions of people are shopping online at any given time with so many companies already having an online experience of some sort. Everyone who is always online to find something is excited and fascinated by the fact that shopping online is becoming very friendly to the consumer. A huge number of people are discovering just how much money and time the web is helping them save. As the holidays beckons, a number of online shopping facts are a reminder how far we have come and why you are about to make an online purchase now or in a few days.

Online Consumers

In just a single holiday season, online shopping retails in the US go above $70 billion meaning that people are definitely not scared of spending. More than 20 percent Americans who shop online indicate more than 80 percent of holiday spending is done online. Online shoppers are also increasing on a daily basis with more than 40 percent of consumers in the US and parts of Europe expected to do their shopping online with product choice the main reason why shopping on the internet will always be attracting many people. If you are still wondering about that e-commerce store before Christmas, this is the time.

Decision To Shop Online

You might be wondering how people decide to spend their hard earned shopping online. Research indicates a huge number of consumer recommendations compel people to shop online, with advertising a credible reason. Reviews by credible users are a huge influence in online shopping even more than a knowledgeable friend.


Most of the people, over 80 percent who have been studied over the years have indicated that online reviews and evaluations of products have a huge influence on their decision to buy a product. People are seeking information on the web for a specific brand of service or goods, with leisure, recreation and travel at the top of things people are researching on the web. While many people are searching for online reviews to inform themselves about a product or service, less than 40 percent return to give a feedback online on a service or product.

Online Shopping Happening

Every indication on any online shopping research gives an obvious and expected analysis that a huge number of people are engaging in online shopping most of the time and becoming very gifted in doing research. Friend recommendations are also very strong and increasing. As the economy improves, it is expected that travel and leisure will be researched upon by many who would like to enroll for various types of holidays and vacations affordable provided online.

Barriers Are Breaking Down Real Fast

With older people now engaged in online shopping more than ever, barriers believed to keep them away such as lack of interest and age are breaking down fast. Finding baby boomers doing online shopping is a common occurrence today as the interest keeps peaking. As retailers look for ways to spread the word and attract more shoppers, lots of them are finding better products and affordable at that.