As soon as you type Free Credit Report in the search bar of your search engine and press enter, you will get hundreds of thousands of links offering you a free credit report. But before you select an online website and fill up there application form for free credit report you should check for certain things. One should check the credentials of the company before applying for a free credit report. Always ask the following things before applying for a free credit report:
Will They Provide You a Credit Report Absolutely Free?
Most of the online companies do offer a free credit report to there customers but they won’t tell them that there membership is not absolutely free and that they will charge you for it after certain period of time. Some companies offer free services for only 30 days and if you don’t cancel your subscription with in 30 days they will bill you for a year. Therefore some of them may ask for your credit card information.
So there is nothing like absolutely free credit report, you will have to get enrolled with one or another company providing credit monitoring service. You should always ask them in advance if there service is absolutely free or there are any fees associated with it.
Is It Secure for You to Order a Free Credit Report from Them?
Check the company’s reputation and market standing before ordering your free credit report. Inquire them about how secure it is fill the application form for a free credit report online and also if they are using the latest technology for encrypting the data you entered. If they require you to enter your credit card details then it is very important for you know if there website is secure and safe. You should ask them if they are going to exchange your personal information with others.
It is very important for you to establish the credentials of the company offering free credit report before ordering for it as the information you share with them can be used against you and can really damage your financial status.
Where They Will Get Your Free Credit Report From?
It is important for you to know from which bureau they are going to get your free credit report as all the three major credit bureaus maintain separate credit files for each individual and if your creditor uses the credit report of a particular bureau then you will also want to have the copy of your free credit report from the same bureau. Some companies offer free credit reports from all the three major bureaus namely TransUnion, TrueCredit and Experian.
Do They Offer Credit Report Monitoring Services?
You may want to heir some company to monitor your credit report through out the year. So it will be good if you inquire about there monitoring services in advance.
Nothing is absolutely free. You should check the terms and conditions of the credit report monitoring service before applying for your free credit report.