It is very difficult to find catalogues that provides finance without carrying credit checks. If a shopping store does not know your credit rating, then it is very difficult for them in order to determine your ability to pay and your reliability too. There are some stores that will demand your recent bank statements in order to prove your credit worthiness. You will have to show a reliable source of income and after that your application will be accepted.

Catalogues are very important for people with bad credit, no credit in order to begin building up their credit profile. In this way, the customers get approved for the larger purchase. There are many catalogues such as pay weekly, pay monthly or buy now and pay later. All these can be done with the bad credit score.

Some necessary facts:

This is a new concept and like you, there are so many people who have lot of questions of buying using catalogue credit. Credit catalogues are now becoming popular. But there are some important questions related to that.

These are: What is it?

A credit catalogue is a brand new option that provides the shopper with a way of buying variety of items from the catalogue. The customers do not need to pay out the cost until a later date. Instead of paying the whole cost at a time, the shoppers will get a chance to pay the amounts in smaller instalments each month. In this way, the payments can be managed easily. The payments are affordable too.

The credit catalogues are designed in a same way like a loan. You can easily borrow money from there. But you can avail this option without paying interest.

Who can use it?

It is so easy to use that anyone can use these credit catalogues. There is no definite limit of your income. Every buyer can sign up for a credit catalogue. The people who have suffered with lower credit balance and poor credit score, they can also use this credit catalogue.

When it is used?

There is no certain time of using this credit catalogue. The customers can use according to their wish and preference. There are many people who use this credit catalogue at the time of buying the large item such as sofa, bed, electronics and all. You can also use the credit catalogue in order to buy an urgent item.

How often it is used?

Actually, there are no limits on using the credit catalogues. Credit catalogue usage is totally limited by the credit restrictions that are put in place. These rules and restriction will direct the amount of money can be spent.

Benefits of using the bad credit catalogue:

There are number of benefits of using bad credit catalogue. This bad credit catalogue can be used by those people with poor credit rating and poor credit score. People do not need to worry about being turned down by other similar catalogues. There is another benefit of using bad credit score. You do not need to worry about the payment. If you are running shortage of money then it is not making any problem.

In UK, you may find yourself being refused if you have a poor credit score. At that time, you need a catalogue. These kinds of catalogue approve people with bad credit rating. But at first, you will need to understand why you have the poor credit history. In many cases, your low credit score may lead to down you from borrowing. A bad credit catalogue may accept you in this case. This will also allow you to build your credit score. This is possible until you make all your payments on time.


Interest free credit catalogues are the unique and perfect option for you if you are planning to buy any kind of home appliances. There are many online stores that offer no deposit policy and buy now and pay later option. So, if you are planning to buy fridge, washing machine, TV, dishwasher and then you will have to check all top finance catalogues.


Purchasing a brand new sofa, dining table and bed is very expensive. In order to buy these products, the consumers are turning to these credit catalogues. You will have to pay the amount in monthly and weekly installments. For that, you will have to check the list of these credit catalogues which sell bed, dining table, sofa, wardrobe and all.


The online catalogue shopping has become very popular. On the popular demand, it increases its advancement. Customers can buy a huge variety of products from one retailer.

Some advantages are:

There you can get a large variety of product such as home ware, electronics, fashion and all. There you can easily get the free delivery option and easily return policy. The credit option is also there. You can enjoy the facility to shop from home.

You can buy large range of products from home.

They will provide their customers the policy buy now and pay later. The credit catalogue will provide you the facility of buying when you do not have enough money in your hands.

It is problematic in having a bad credit history.

UK catalogues are such excellent ways to repair your credit history. You can get a chance to find a wide range of catalogues that will allow you to shop clothing, accessories, electronics and many things. You will have to show them some current bank statements. After that, you can simply start shopping online. This credit catalogue will give you a wide range of variety. You can easily shop from there.

There is no place of pressure. You can enjoy your shopping experience. Bad credit score will easily improve.

You will have to read all the terms and conditions and fully understand the total amount which you will have to pay. You will have to pay your amount on time. This will help you to avoid the trouble by missing the catalogue payment.